And the Healthiest Cities Are…..

This could get complicated if you’re coupled; it seems that there are cities which are healthy for women and cities which are healthy for men.

Women tend to be healthiest in the South and men in the North and the unhealthiest cities are the same for both and included Memphis, Tennessee; Birmingham, Alabama; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Detroit, Michigan; St. Louis, Missouri; Jackson, Mississippi; Cleveland, Ohio; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Toledo, Ohio; and Kansas City, Missouri.

Raleigh in North Carolina has been rated the healthiest U.S. city for women, while Burlington, Vermont has earned the same accolade for men, according Men’s and Women’s Health magazines.
Both cities scored top marks in the magazine polls that ranked 100 of the largest U.S. cities in 30 categories ranging from obesity and the amount of time they spent working out to how often they saw their doctor.

Read the whole article here and get the complete list of the healthiest and unhealthiest cities for men and women at and

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