Toddlers Sedated For Surgical Dentistry On The Rise

A mouthful of cavities is making it necessary for dentists to anesthetize very young children for dental procedures such as filling cavities, root canals and extractions.

Geting children to sit through an x-ray can be difficult not to mention the restraint necessary to get through a potentially painful dental procedure making sedation the most practical way to handle the situation.

Fruit juices, bottled water lacking fluoride and poor dental hygiene have contributed to children’s toot decay across socio-economic lines.

Children from all walks of life are experiencing a rise in tooth decay affecting children as young as 18 months old.

Early symptoms can be hard to distinguish from normal teething so parents often miss the symptoms.

Using general anesthesia on healthy children has risks, including vomiting and nausea, and, in very rare cases, brain damage or death. Using anti-anxiety drugs to relax a child coupled with local anesthesia for pain has risks, too, including an overdose that could suppress breathing.

Given the risks of general anesthetic it would be well advised to make the changes necessary to improve dental health.

Stop endless snacking on sweets

Skip juices in favor of fluoridated water

Brush teeth daily regardless of the inconvenience and resistance

And start dental check-ups by your child’s first birthday.

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