The Dark Side Of Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

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Researchers from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, last month, showed in a paper that tiny defects in the bulbs can let through UV light that can damage skin cells and lead to cancer.

The phosphorus coating inside the bulb contains the dangerous UV light rays, however, the curly shape of the bulbs creates opportunity for cracks in the coating allowing harmful rays to escape.

The researchers’ data, published in the journal Photochemistry and Photobiology, is preliminary, and based on experiments in a lab. In other words, there aren’t any known cases of sunburn from light bulbs yet. The researchers say it’s also not that hard to avoid the dangerous rays; they recommend putting the light behind glass or keeping a few feet away from the bulb.

While there is no need to panic it is simply one more thing to consider when trying to keep your family safe.

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