Anorexia And Bulimia Don’t Tell The Whole Story

Anorexia and Bulimia have been brought into the public awareness by those suffering, however, a broad range of eating disorders occur within the spectrum and can be just as damaging and life threatening.

Orthorexia, Pregorexia, Binge Eating, Anorexia Athletica, and Drunkorexia are the names given to the various disorders of those struggling with body image.

Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness and the need to recognize illness and intervene is an important part of the cure.

A catch-all label that includes dozens of subdiagnoses, EDNOS applies to patients who don’t meet the exact criteria for anorexia or bulimia but still have very troubled relationships with food or distorted body images. Today, EDNOS diagnoses significantly outnumber anorexia and bulimia cases. “The atypical has become the typical,” says Ovidio Bermudez, M.D

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