The Many Health Benefits of Pears

Pears are the wonder fruit.

Who knew that pears had so much to offer?

The world’s oldest oldest cultivated plant offers a variety of health benefits and is delicious and beautiful to boot!

Calms Digestion

The pectin and fiber in pears can help stop diarrhea and the cooling tannins can calm an irritated digestive tract.

Keeps You Hydrated

Pears are a watery food and when you add in the A and C vitamins and rich mineral content, they can help rehydrate you and keep you hydrated.

Improves ADHD

Because of there high fiber content, pears can slow down the sugar excitability that often accompanies ADHD. However they should be eaten in moderation because they do contain natural sugars themselves.

Helps Lower Cholesterol

Pears are high in pectin (higher than apples) which reduces cholesterol levels by bonding with dietary fat and cholesterol and removing them from the body through the intestine before they are absorbed through the bloodstream.

Boosts Immune System

Pears contain a good amount of vitamins A, K, C, B2, B3, B6 and minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper so eating them is great for your immune system.

Hypoallergenic Fruit

Pears are a hypoallergenic fruit. So if you have issues with food sensitivities, you usually can eat pears with no adverse side effects. This also makes them a great fruit to introduce to infants.

Prevents Cancer

The hydroxycinnamic acid found in pears has been associated with preventing stomach and lung cancer.

Fights Alzheimer’s

The antioxidant quercetin found in the skin has been shown by a recent study at Cornell University to protect against Alzheimer’s disease. So don’t’ peel your pears!

Prevents Osteoporosis

Pears contain boron which our bodies need so we can retain calcium so they have been linked to osteoporosis prevention.

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