Early Birds Fare Better Than Night Owls
Posted by Staff (06/18/2012 @ 9:43 pm)
Since society is built around a morning oriented schedule it stands to reason that late sleepers feel left behind during the day.
Overall, early risers are happier.
Scientists are not sure if the feelings of happiness are the result of rest, exposure to light or the body’s bio-chemical response to sleep.
By age 60, most people are morning types, the researchers found. Only about 7 percent of young adults are morning larks, but as the population ages, this switches — in the older years only about 7 percent of the population are still night owls.
“We found that older adults reported greater positive emotion than younger adults, and older adults were more likely to be morning-type people than younger adults,” Biss said. “The ‘morningness’ was associated with greater happiness emotions in both age groups.”
Couples Who Share A Bed Are Healthier
Posted by Staff (06/06/2012 @ 7:12 pm)
Getting cuddly can be good for your health.
Even when you consider tossing and turning, snoring and blanket hogs, the benefits of nighttime snuggling outweigh the annoyances.
While the science is in the early stages, one hypothesis suggests that by promoting feelings of safety and security, shared sleep in healthy relationships may lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. Sharing a bed may also reduce cytokines, involved in inflammation, and boost oxytocin, the so-called love hormone that is known to ease anxiety and is produced in the same part of the brain responsible for the sleep-wake cycle. So even though sharing a bed may make people move more, “the psychological benefits we get having closeness at night trump the objective costs of sleeping with a partner,” Dr. Troxel says.
Catch Your ZZZZ’s To Fight Off Fat Genes
Posted by Staff (05/01/2012 @ 8:43 pm)
Getting a good night’s sleep may be more than just refreshing.
Obesity genes that respond to lifestyle stimuli when you are fatigued get turned off when you get adequate sleep.
Being well rested helps your efforts to make healthy choices have a real impact on your weight.
“The less you sleep, the more important genetic factors are to how much you weigh,” says lead author Nathaniel F. Watson, M.D., co-director of the University of Washington Medicine Sleep Center, in Seattle. “The longer you sleep, the greater the influence of environmental factors like meal composition and timing.”
Previous research has found that too little sleep is associated with a higher BMI, but many of those studies haven’t been able to entirely rule out the possibility that genes, or complicating factors such as sleep disorders, are partly responsible for the link.