Should You Nap at Work?

Should employers allow their employees to nap on the job?

Some say, yes!

There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that napping, that’s 20-30 minute cat naps, can increase overall productivity.

What would have been considered outrageous a decade ago is now a cutting edge workplace practice.

Office naptime is zonking workplaces across the country. OnSwipe, a software shop in Manhattan facilitates napping at an office “den,” as does Pontiflex, a mobile app ad start-up in Brooklyn; Jawa, a mobile app maker in Scottsdale, AZ; and 42 Inc., an information technology consultant in Berkeley, CA. Big-name players like Google and Ben & Jerry’s endorse napping. NASA has teamed up with the National Space Biomedical Research Institute and 91 volunteers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine to teach astronauts how to nap better during long missions. For some, it’s a company perk akin to gym membership, or free lunch.

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