Organize Your Mind And Your Life Will Follow
By organizing your mind your life will fall into step.
Margaret Moore’s book “Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life” written with Dr. Paul Hammerness, offers tips to help you to become more organized and more fulfilled.
The connection between disorganized minds and unhealthy habits is compelling. The National Institute of Aging concluded from a recent study that symptoms of a disorganized mind, namely impulsivity, chronic negativity, high stress and multitasking, all correlate with higher weight. For example, adults in the top 10% rating for impulsivity (most impulsive) weighed an average of 24 pounds more than those in the bottom 10% rating for impulsivity.
Whether or not you have an organized mind depends upon your ability to “drive” your attention and keep it focused when you’re under pressure or faced with challenging conditions.
Managing stress, staying focused and knowing when to “put on the brakes” are just a few strategies endorsed to help you to organize your life.
Posted in: Quality Control, Research, Resources, Wellness
Tags: ADD, ADHD, management skills, mental health, organization, stress management