FDA Redefines Gluten-Free

The Food and Drug Administration is reevaluating standards and food labeling for products defined as gluten-free.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced Tuesday that it will be re-examining the standards by which foods on supermarket shelves can be labeled as “gluten-free”.

Currently, the amount of gluten permitted in “gluten-free” items available in stores can vary.

The FDA says that it is aiming to “eliminate uncertainty about how food producers may label their products,” as well as “assure consumers who must avoid gluten that foods labeled ‘gluten-free’ meet a clear standard established and enforced by the FDA.”

Gluten inflames the small intestine of people who suffer from celiac disease; the protein, commonly found in wheat, barley, and rye, is often used as a stabilizing agent in as assortment of foods such as condiments, ice cream, and soy sauce.

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