Heart Disease is a Food Borne Illness

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. believes that heart disease is a food borne illness and the only way to prevent the disease is through diet.

Former president Bill Clinton recently talked about his vegan diet and his belief that a meat free and dairy free lifestyle has saved his life.

Active Nighttime Legs Linked to Heart Problems

Nighttime leg activity or restless legs during sleep could be more than just annoying, it could be a sign of something more serious.

Men who jerked and flexed their legs involuntarily at night were more likely to develop cardiovascular disease in a new study of sleep and chronic disease in the 65-and-up crowd.

During a one-night sleep assessment, more than two-thirds of men had the involuntary movements, which usually occur in the foot or at the ankle or hip joint, and most of them woke up during the night because of it.

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