There are ways to Prevent Colorectal Cancer

Beyond getting a colonoscopy starting at age 50, what can you do to prevent colorectal cancer? A lot, it turns out. The good news is that colorectal-cancer-preventing habits are nearly identical to those that help your heart.

There are ways to prevent colorectal cancer and a few dietary and lifestyle changes is all it takes.

Avoid red meat

There’s something about eating red meat—a lot of it—that seems to harm the intestines.

Numerous studies have linked red-meat consumption to a higher risk of colorectal cancer, as well as diets heavy in processed, salted, smoked, or cured meats such as bacon, sausage, and hot dogs.

If you just can’t live without red meat, limit yourself to two 4-ounce portions each week, but choose lean cuts, trim the fat, and don’t char it on a grill.

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