Bottled Water May Be The Culprit In Early Childhood Tooth Decay

If you think that bottled water is better than tap, then think again.

Dentists are seeing record numbers of tooth decay in very young children, some as young as eighteen months old.

Not only are children drinking more sugary juices and less water but the water that they are drinking is not fluoridated.

“You should brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, see the dentist twice a year for fluoride treatment and get fluoride in your drinking water,” said Jonathan D. Shenkin, spokesman on pediatric dentistry for the American Dental Association. “If you’re not getting it in your drinking water, that takes out a component of the effectiveness of that triad.”

Another concern to consider is the level of BPA in plastic bottles.

This highly toxic chemical leaches into the water and can further damage you and your child’s health.

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