Tumor Risk From Cell Phone Use Disputed In Study

A recent study has contradicted the tumor risk from cell phone use.

Although the study is far from conclusive it still causes a great deal of confusion to consumers.

There have been warnings about excessive use, use by young children and pregnant women.

It has been advised to blue tooth ear piece devices to divert electro-magnetic energy away from your body.

When the study first appeared last summer, Dr. Joel Moskowitz, from the School of Public Health at the University of California—Berkeley, said, “In my opinion, the interpretation of the results from this study and the accompanying editorial were biased in an attempt to reduce concerns that cellphone use increases brain tumor risk among children and adolescents.”
In December, a commentary in the journal Environmental Health, said, “Yet, in spite of low exposure, short latency period and limitations in study design, analyses and interpretation, there are nevertheless indications of increased risk … In any case, it is to go far beyond the findings of the study to say that the results are reassuring of no significant increased risk.”

CDC requires measles vaccine for children traveling abroad

Amid controversy regarding vaccines and a posible link to autism the CDC recommends children traveling abroad get the measles vaccine.

A recent rise in infection this year has prompted this decision on measles vaccine requirement.

World Autism Awareness Day: Early Detection is Key

Early diagnosis is the key to managing and improving the lives of children with autism.

Celebrities like Jenny McCarthy have been on the front line promoting autism activism since the birth of her autistic son.

She has postulated controversial theories regarding the causes and treatment of autism.

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