Staying Young May Be As Simple As Following 4 Easy Steps

Wear Sunscreen, Eat a Mediterranean diet, Exercise regularly and find ways to Reduce Stress.

This is the advice of experts to help you extend your years while being able to enjoy them!

Coupling Could Lead to a Longer Life

A new study of 500 million people finds that singles die younger than couples.

If you’ve ever needed a reason to make that commitment this may be it.

The researchers analyzed the data from some 90 previous studies, which included about 500 million people, and compared the risk of mortality for singles from those studies — defined as those who never married — to that of a married group, excluding those who are divorced or widowed.
The researchers found the risk of death was 32 percent higher across a lifetime for single men compared to married men. Single women face a 23 percent higher mortality risk, compared to married women.
In real numbers, “under the worse-case scenario,” single men could die about eight to 17 years earlier than their married male friends, says Roelfs, citing that nearly all of the data was gleaned from studies conducted in the last 60 years. Women don’t fare much better. They could die seven to 15 years earlier than their married female counterparts.

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