From Nursing Homes to Home Care
Home care is expanding as the bulge of the population ages home care offers more care options for elderly who can no longer afford or need professional ’round the clock care.
Over the next three years, New York State plans to shift 70,000 to 80,000 people who need more than 120 days of Medicaid-reimbursed long-term care services and are not in nursing homes into managed care models, Mr. Helgerson said.
The move away from nursing homes was highlighted on Thursday when Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan announced that the Archdiocese of New York, one of the state’s largest providers of nursing home care, is selling two of its seven nursing homes and opening or planning to open seven new adult day-care centers over the next three years.
Posted in: Medicare, Quality Control, Resources, Wellness
Tags: Care for the elderly, Elder Care, home care, nursing homes