Study Suggests Green Tea Drinkers Age Better Than Non-Drinkers

Green tea drinkers seem to stave off the effects of old age better than non-drinkers.

Following nearly 14,000 adults age 65 and older, they found that people who drank the most green tea were the least likely to develop “functional disability” over the next three years.

Functional disability refers to problems with daily activities like going to the store or doing housework, or difficulty with more-basic needs like dressing and bathing.

Not only their mental and physical health was better but also their emotional well being and social lives were better, as well.

Green Tea Lowers Cholesterol

The good news is that drinking green tea can lower cholesterol.

Good because we can all do it.

Green tea is accessible and affordable. It also, makes a great replacement for sugary caffeinated drinks because it offers a lift with just a hint of caffeine along with cancer fighting, fat busting polyphenols and flavonoids

Advocates say green tea’s heart-healthy benefits are due in part to a large concentration of polyphenols, which block the absorption of cholesterol in the gut. But skeptics argue that any beneficial effect would be small, and the side effects from a few too many cups a day not worth it.

As part of a healthy diet and lifestyle, the benefits of green tea are hard to ignore.

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