Non-Alcoholic Wine Is Best For Health Benefits Posted by Staff (09/08/2012 @ 8:56 pm)  Free Image Courtesy of
Wine definitely has health benefits. Cardiovascular health, lowered blood sugar and healthy weight maintenance are all benefits of polyphenols and antioxidants in red wine, however, research has shown that without the alcohol the benefits are just as effective if not more so. Although there have been many studies on the impact of moderate drinking on health, the findings have been mixed, with some studies showing a benefit and others suggesting none. The new study found that 3 ounces of gin a day had no impact on blood pressure, while consumption of regular red wine led to a small, but not statistically significant, improvement. The new study suggests that if you’re going to have a drink, red wine would be the healthiest choice, said Dr. Kelly Anne Spratt, a heart disease prevention specialist and a clinical associate professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
The Many Wonders Of Tea Posted by Staff (04/21/2012 @ 4:37 pm) 
Everyday there is something new to love about tea. With varieties such as, black, green white and oolong, there is a tea for everyone who wants to enjoy the health benefits of this plant. A study done by UCLA, found that drinking three cups (or more) of either green or black tea a day can reduce your risk of stroke by 21 percent. The health benefits associated with tea come from its high levels of antioxidants such as polyphenols, flavonoids and catechins, which fight free radicals in the body and prevent healthy cells from being harmed. Other studies have found that drinking a couple cups of tea a day may also help lower cholesterol and protect against certain cancers.
The ritual of drinking tea is also a great way to break bad eating habits. Making time to have tea instead of sweetened beverages or colas can help you to shed pounds as an added bonus. Posted in: Nutrition, Research, Wellness Tags: antioxidants, black tea, cancer, catechins, cholesterol, flavonoids, green tea, health benefits of tea, oolong tea, polyphenols., prevent cancer, tea, white tea
Green Tea Lowers Cholesterol Posted by Staff (08/24/2011 @ 6:56 pm) 
The good news is that drinking green tea can lower cholesterol. Good because we can all do it. Green tea is accessible and affordable. It also, makes a great replacement for sugary caffeinated drinks because it offers a lift with just a hint of caffeine along with cancer fighting, fat busting polyphenols and flavonoids Advocates say green tea’s heart-healthy benefits are due in part to a large concentration of polyphenols, which block the absorption of cholesterol in the gut. But skeptics argue that any beneficial effect would be small, and the side effects from a few too many cups a day not worth it.
As part of a healthy diet and lifestyle, the benefits of green tea are hard to ignore. Posted in: Nutrition, Research, Wellness Tags: benefits of green tea, cancer, cholesterol, flavonoids, good cholesterol, green tea, HDL, heart disease, LDL, polyphenols., type 2 diabetes, weight loss
This Powerful Herb May Help Fight Cancer Posted by Staff (05/29/2011 @ 10:51 pm) 
Curcumin/turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years as a ‘cleanser of the body’. It appears to work at a number of levels Curcumin is the ‘active’ ingredient of the Indian/Asian curry spice Turmeric. To put this technically, curcumin is the principal curcuminoid in turmeric. Curcuminoids are polyphenols. Turmeric powder is ground from the root of a plant called Curcuma Longa, which is a member of the ginger family and is found throughout Southern Asia, even growing wild in the Himalayas. There are a dozen or more studies where curcumin has caused cell death in cancer cells; and even more where it prevents tumors forming a blood supply. Not long ago, researchers at the world-renowned University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center published a groundbreaking scientific review of their favorite anti-cancer nutrient — curcumin. Curcumin, along with several other nutrients, is remarkable in that it can actually tell the difference between a healthy cell and a cancer cell. According to Wellness Resources, here is how the researchers explained their interest in curcumin: “’ … Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) … is one of the most powerful and promising chemopreventive and anticancer agents … How curcumin exerts its powerful anticancer activities has been thoroughly investigated, and several mechanisms of action have been discovered … curcumin exerts its biological activities through epigenetic modulation.’” In other words, curcumin changes the regulation of DNA to help kill cancer. In fact, curcumin not only influences epigenetic settings, it also manages the downstream consequences, helping to guide multiple steps in the way gene orders are implemented.
Posted in: Research, Resources, Wellness Tags: Asian curry spice, Ayurvedic medicine, cancer cell, cleanser of the body, combat cance, Cumin, curcumin, Curcumin turmeric, curcuminoid,, polyphenols., tumors, Turmeric, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Wellness