To Get An Accurate Measure of Blood Pressure Use Both Arms

The authors found that different blood pressure readings in the two arms were a sign of the narrowing or hardening of a person’s arteries, particularly on one side of the body.

It’s important to take blood pressure in both arms.

Although seemingly minor, a difference of 15 millimeters of mercury or more between systolic readings in the two arms meant the risk of peripheral vascular disease was two and a half times greater and the risk of cerebrovascular disease was 1.6 times higher. It was also associated with a 70 percent greater risk of dying from heart disease. The precise number of the higher or lower systolic reading was less important than the extent of the difference between them. A difference of even 10 millimeters was enough to raise the risk of peripheral vascular disease.

A Link Between Stroke and Mental Impairment Probable

Risk factors for stroke are strong predictors of future mental impairment.

Maintaining cognitive health is important for everyone as they age but for those who are already at risk for stroke the need is more urgent.

The volunteers were followed for an average of more than four years. After eliminating from consideration any who had had a stroke, the researchers found 1,907 who were cognitively impaired. After controlling for age, sex, race and education, researchers found that high blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy independently predicted cognitive impairment, and the more risk factors a person had, the greater the risk for mental problems.

10 Things You May Not Know About Your Weight

There are facts about your weight which could change the way you think about your body.

A growing body of literature suggests that size doesn’t matter when it comes to your health. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine surveyed 5,440 American adults and found that 51 percent of the overweight and almost 32 percent of the obese had mostly normal cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and other measures of good health.

Further defying conventional wisdom, the article also reported that 23.5 percent of trim adults were, in fact, metabolically abnormal-making them more vulnerable to heart disease than their heavier counterparts.

Purple Potatoes May Promote Lower Blood Pressure

You don’t always hear good news about potatoes when it comes to your health, however, purple potatoes are a different story according to Joe Vinson, a chemistry professor at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania.

On average, diastolic blood pressure — the bottom number in a blood pressure reading — dropped by a statistically significant 4.3 percent and systolic blood pressure — the top number in a blood pressure reading — dropped by 3.5 percent.
While eating potatoes, most of the subjects — even those on anti-hypertensive medications — experienced lower blood pressure, and none of the subjects gained weight.

Baked and boiled potatoes are best while frying at high temperatures seems to destroy the health benefits of potatoes.

Enjoy in moderation and improve your health/

Smoking Myths Debunked! No More Excuses to Stop Smoking

There seems to be a never ending list of excuse from smokers who fail to quite this nasty, damaging, expensive habit.

Everyone is a victim of some major roadblock to good health.

Well, the buck stops here!

Read the top myth busting facts that will help you stop smoking for good!

Myth I’ve smoked for so long; the damage is already done.

Myth Switching to ‘light’ cigarettes will cut my risk

Myth My other healthy habits may make up for my smoking.

Myth Trying to quit smoking will stress me out — and that’s unhealthy.

Myth The weight gain that comes with quitting is just as unhealthy as smoking.

Myth Quitting “cold turkey” is the only way to go

Myth Nicotine products are just as unhealthful as smoking.

Myth Cutting back on smoking is good enough

Myth I’m the only one who is hurt by my smoking.

Myth I tried quitting once and failed, so it’s no use trying again.

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