Natural Cures For Back-To-School Ailments
Posted by Staff (09/05/2012 @ 2:57 pm)

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Going back to school can be stressful for parents and kids.
But there is often more than just nerves to deal with when heading back to classrooms where kids touch and share everything.
Picking up bugs along the way is often a simple fact of life.
Exposing kids to chemicals is not always the best way to deal with infections and infestations, however.
For problems like pink eye, lice and anxiety there are natural remedies that can ease the pain of infection without the side effects of medications.
Parents on the front line to fight bad eating habits on and off campus!
Posted by Staff (03/29/2011 @ 3:09 am)

In Philadelphia parents are taking matters in their own hands to protect kids from making poor food choices.
The parents standing guard outside the Oxford Food Shop are foot soldiers in a national battle over the diets of children that has taken on new fervor. With 20 percent of the nation’s children obese, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has proposed new standards for federally subsidized school meals that call for more balanced meals and, for the first time, a limit on calories. The current standard specifies only a minimum calorie count, which some schools meet by adding sweet foods
The Agriculture Department wants to change the content of federally subsidized school meals — 33 million lunches and 9 million breakfasts a day — by the fall of 2012. Beyond the calorie cap, the new standards would emphasize whole grains, vegetables and fruits and set tighter limits on sodium and fats
Do you think schools should help parents in this battle. In the end they are our future
Posted in: Nutrition, Wellness
Tags: bad food, better food, better school food, food battle, government funded school lunch programs, institution bad food, institutional food, kids, kids food, kids health, kids nutrition, school food