House Votes To Repeal President Obama’s Health Care Law
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Posted in: Health Care Policy
House Votes To Repeal President Obama’s Health Care Law Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Posted in: Health Care Policy Very Few Are Spending the Most Health Care Dollars White, elderly, women with private health insurance are spending the most health care dollars, the federal government reported. $2.6 trillion the nation spent on health care in 2010 translated into just over $8,400 per person. But that is not the whole story. A different study just released by a separate federal agency shows that second number doesn’t actually mean very much.
Obama’s Health Care Not Popular with Americans More Americans want to repeal the new health care law than to keep it. Americans have weighed in and the Obama health care is not popular with the majority.
The Government is Working Toward Equal Health Care for All Health and Human Services Director, Howard Ko, is trying to close the gap between rich and poor and the disparities in health care between these groups. From higher infant mortality to lower life expectancy, the poor and minorities suffer the worst inequities within the health care system. The government is taking steps toward fixing the problem without straining the budget.