A Little Vegan is a Good Thing

No longer on the fringe, Vegan diet creeps into the mainstream.

Some of our favorite foods are already vegan; peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, rice and beans, chili, salads and more.

Many great dishes are great without the meat and cheese.

Mark Bittman has some great tips for improving your diet.

My point here is to make semi-veganism work for you. Once a week, let bean burgers stand in for hamburgers, leave the meat out of your pasta sauce, make a risotto the likes of which you’ve probably never had — and you may just find yourself eating “better.”

A little change in attitude toward some of your favorite recipes can lead to big changes in your health goals.

Bill Clinton Becomes a Vegan to Save His Life

Once famous for his love of junk food and his famous stops at McDonald’s, former president Bill Clinton has embraced a vegan lifestyle to prevent heart disease.

Former President Clinton now considers himself a vegan. He’s dropped more than 20 pounds, and he says he’s healthier than ever. His dramatic dietary transformation took almost two decades and came about only after a pair of heart procedures and some advice from a trusted doctor.

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