Get The Scoop On Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance can be confused with lactose allergies.

Whatever your ailment you can still enjoy dairy products. There are many brands of lactose-free dairy products and lactose digestive aids.

Many people who are lactose intolerant (or malabsorptive) can eat yogurt and have no gastrointestinal issues because of the active live cultures, like lactobacillus bulgaricus.

Hard cheeses like parmesan, Swiss, cheddar and colby have smaller amounts of milk sugar and great quantities of milk solids which make them easier on the digestive system.

Lactose intolerance has several causes. In rare cases, it is caused by a rare-autosomal recessive trait, in which the body cannot create the enzyme lactose at all. Primary lactase deficiency tends to occur in adults, in which they lack the lactose persistence gene. Just as it sounds, the body loses its ability to produce the enzyme lactase over time.
However, as humans “domesticated” dairy animals and continued to consume dairy products, the gene for lactose persistence has prevailed for survival. In many cultures, dairy products from various mammals, such as cows, sheep and goats, can feed more individuals than the meat of the animal alone.

Shocking Billboard Goes Too Far


Inspiration or instigation?

Some people feel that this advertising campaign goes too far in making the point.

How often should we be eating cheese?

Never? Wow. This is a long way from the “everything-in-moderation” message. And it’s also out of synch with mainstream nutrition advice. Federal dietary guidelines say it’s OK to eat small amounts of saturated fat — not more than 10 percent of daily calories. And heck, cheese does have two things our bodies need: protein and calcium.

Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium

If you’re watching your weight, cholesterol levels or simply want to improve your overall health you may want to consider alternative sources of calcium.

Dairy allergies which may prevent you from getting all the calcium your body needs so consider some of these alternatives which you can easily incorporate into your diet deliciously.

Bok choy: This Chinese leafy green vegetable would appear to be most similar to lettuce: it’s tender, light, watery, crisp and would seem to be low in nutrition density. But just 1 cup of cooked boy choy equals the same amount of calcium as an 8-ounce glass of milk.

Kale: The beloved “superfood” green vegetable boasts calcium as just one of many minerals found inside its chewy, dense leaves. In 1 ½ cups of cooked kale, you’ll get the same amount of calcium as an 8-ounce glass of milk.
Turnip greens: Turnips can be used with squash, potatoes and root veggies in winter dishes; don’t throw out their greens! Turnip greens are rich in bioavailable calcium; just 1 cup of cooked greens gives you the calcium of an 8-ounce glass of milk.

Sea vegetables: Sea vegetables seem to do only good for the body. They flush out toxins and heavy metals from our system and supply ample amounts of trace minerals. Pile your lunch bowl with a large heaping of alaria (or wakame) and kelp for a calcium boost; 4 cups of the seaweed equals the calcium of an 8-ounce glass of milk.

Tofu: Tofu isn’t as hot as it used to be with health nuts in the ‘90s, but it does still deserve credit when due. With most tofu varieties, just a ½-cup serving has the same amount of calcium as an 8-ounce glass of milk.
Dried figs: Believe it or not, these dried fruits are an excellent source of dietary calcium. Ten fruits supplies the same amount as an 8-ounce glass of milk.

Sustainable bony fish: You don’t have to be strictly vegan to do dairy-free. If you ever eat fish, check out Alaskan salmon, sardines and mackerel (all sustainable choices) for a serious calcium boost. A 3-ounce serving contains the same amount of calcium as an 8-ounce glass of milk.

To chocolate or NOT to chocolate?

Milk is good for our kids because it contains vitamin D, calcium and it’s a good source of protein.

The dilemma about the milk is when we add artificial ingredients such as food coloring, dyes, stabilizers and preservatives.

The most popular flavors among kids, chocolate and strawberry, also come along with sugars including high fructose corn syrup.

The best choice for chocolate milk in our schools would be healthy organic milk form grass fed cows and natural raw sugars.

Keep our milk clean, keep away from rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone), GMO (Genetically Modified Organism), antibiotics and high fructose corn syrup which definitely endanger everyone’s health.

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