Staying away from food loaded with sodium
Posted by Staff (10/22/2013 @ 4:35 pm)

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Whether or not you’re facing high blood pressure issues, you should considering reducing your sodium intake as you try to improve your eating habits.
When considering your diet and which foods should be emphasized less, it’s not always obvious where you’ll find a lot of sodium. This slideshow of the 7 saltiest foods offer up a good start. For example, one can of soup has a whopping 1,622 mg of sodium! If you’re buying soup at the store, make sure to get the low-sodium version.
Next, 2 slices of pizza has an incredible 1,280 mg of sodium! If pizza is a big part of your diet, you need to reconsider your eating habits. Pizza is also loaded with simple carbs, so start thinking of replacements.
Check out the entire list for more ideas of foods that need to be a smaller part of your diet.
Take control of your life
Posted by Staff (01/15/2013 @ 3:59 pm)

We discuss all aspects of health here, including dealing with disease and serious health issues. But for your overall health and wellness, there’s nothing more important than the basics. This article on how to take back your life has simple pearls of wisdom for your physical health along with your emotional and spiritual health.
1. Get sufficient sleep every night. Sleep is often the single most undervalued behavior in our lives and the one with the most immediate power to improve our experience in every waking moment. If you sleep in the 6-6½ hour range, like the average American, just one more hour of sleep a night will leave you feeling more physically energized, emotionally resilient, and mentally clear.
2. Move more. It’s not only good for your heart’s health, but also for your mental health. Do some form of exercise that significantly raises your heart rate for 30 minutes at least four times a week and move frequently during the day.
3. Eat less, more often. Food is fuel. Lean proteins and complex carbohydrates are high-octane fuel. You’re best off when you keep feeding your internal furnace in small doses throughout the day, beginning with breakfast.
Read the rest of the article and you might find yourself coming back to this list often.
Posted in: General Health, Wellness
Tags: being emotionally resilient, being mentally clear, complex carbohydrates, eat less, eating, eating habits, exercise, exercise more, feeling more physically energized, food is fuel, get sufficient sleep, health and exercise, heart health, heart rate, importance of exercise, importance of sleep, improve your eating habits, improving wellness, Lean proteins, move more, sleep, sleep and health, wellness advice, wellness lifestyle, wellness tips