Tips To Help Your Body Adjust To Daylight Savings Time
Posted by Staff (03/10/2012 @ 8:43 pm)

Turning the clocks ahead can have an effect on you health.
Chronic sleep deprivation causes a myriad of health problems so missing an hour may or may not impact you too much.
However, it is a bit like jet lag which can throw you off and may take a bit of time to catch up.
Check out a few of the ways that you can maximize your sleep time to maximize your health.
Late Night Binging Brings on the Bulge!
Posted by Staff (05/17/2011 @ 9:38 pm)

Does late night eating cause weight gain?
The debate has gone back and forth with no real scientific evidence either way.
Sleep in and of itself plays a huge part in proper weight maintenance.
The accepted widom was that a calorie is just a calorie, however recent findings may have proven otherwise.
Although researchers have found that late night eating does cause weight gain they are not sure why.
Posted in: Nutrition, Research, Wellness
Tags: binging, diet, does eating at night cause weight gain, eating at night, healthy weight, insomnia, obesity, sleep disorder, weight gain
Not Everyone Needs 8 Hours of Sleep; It’s All in the Genes!
Posted by Staff (04/07/2011 @ 7:54 pm)

We all know those people who brag about not sleeping; not needing sleep or who consider sleep a waste of time and can function perfectly well on little sleep.
Well, with all the studies to the contrary it appears that there may in fact be a small percentage of people for whom these claims are true.
It seems that a genetic variation explains why some people can be considered the “Sleepless Elite“.