Can Food Cause Pain?
Posted by Staff (07/22/2012 @ 7:31 pm)

There is real truth behind the “gut feeling”.
Our intestines do more than simply process food and the wrong foods can wreak havoc with our bodies.
Too much sugar, starch and fat are the leading offenders when it comes to pain because of their inflammatory affects on our bodies.
Avoiding inflammation through diet is the best way stay healthy.
Scientists are making a strong link between our food choices and pain.
About 70% of our immune cells are in our digestive system, making direct contact with the food we enjoy every day. If the immune system is triggered by bacteria in food, or flags a food as an allergen, or has an imbalance of important hormones such as insulin, it can set off the red alert of inflammation.
For example, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that processed sugars and other high-glycemic starches increase inflammation, which causes pain, overheating, redness and swelling.
While inflammation is an important part of the body’s healing process, chronic inflammation is at the root of many deadly diseases. The great news is that we can completely heal and prevent chronic inflammation with an eating plan.
Probiotics Defined
Posted by Staff (03/12/2012 @ 8:08 pm)

For centuries cultures all over the world have known of the health benefits of probiotics.
Fermented foods have been apart of many cuisines and they are recognized for the curative and healthy properties.
In addition to yogurt and kefir, probiotics can be found in pickled cabbage like kimchi or sauerkraut, fermented beans like tempeh and miso, soy sauce and buttermilk. Probiotics are a benign product, meaning there is very little documentation of harm from consuming them in foods or supplements.
Read more to see what probiotics can do for you.
The Many Health Benefits of Yogurt
Posted by Staff (08/19/2011 @ 10:24 pm)

Yogurt is truly one of nature’s miracle foods.
From weight loss to preventing certain types of cancer, yogurt has been a part of the diet of some of the world’s healthiest and most long lived people.
So indulge in a creamy, yummy, satisfying treat that treats you well!
First off, your body needs to have a healthy amount of ”good” bacteria in the digestive tract, and many yogurts are made using active, good bacteria. One of the words you’ll be hearing more of in relation to yogurt is ”probiotics.” Probiotic, which literally means ”for life,” refers to living organisms that can result in a health benefit when eaten in adequate amounts.
Miguel Freitas, PhD, medical marketing manager for Dannon Co., says the benefits associated with probiotics are specific to certain strains of these “good” bacteria. Many provide their benefits by adjusting the microflora (the natural balance of organisms) in the intestines, or by acting directly on body functions, such as digestion or immune function. (Keep in mind that the only yogurts that contain probiotics are those that say “live and active cultures” on the label.)