Almonds Are A Healthy Crunchy Treat For Dieter’s
Posted by Staff (07/20/2012 @ 5:58 pm)
Nuts have gotten a bad name because of the fat and high calorie content.
What has been forgotten along the way is the healthy omega-3 fats, fiber, protein and micro-nutrients which are crucial to a healthy diet.
Almonds can curb those junk food cravings because they are filling and satisfying.
Snacks like nuts – promoted as a healthy source of nutrients by the U.S. Department of Agriculture – are generally considered off-limits to dieters because of their high fat content. Almonds are particularly rich in magnesium, potassium and vitamin E, as well as being a good source of fiber and calcium, according to the study’s funder, the Almond Board of California.
When dieters are limiting how many calories they eat, it’s important they eat foods that are nutrient dense, with a nice level of vitamins and minerals, and good quality fats, said Wien.
It’s a comfort for people who are struggling with weight management, said Wien. They often crave something crunchy, something palatable with a nice texture, she added.
Low Blood Levels Of Omega-3 Linked to Smaller Brain Volume
Posted by Staff (03/01/2012 @ 12:53 pm)
Omega-3 fatty acids contribute greatly to brain health.
What does low brain volume mean?
Lower cerebral volume suggests less blood flow and potential vascular damage.
Your diet truly can help your cognition.
Try adding supplements to your diet and also including more fish like salmon and sardines to boost your stores of Omega-3.
People in the lowest one-quarter for omega-3 levels had significantly lower total cerebral brain volume than those in the highest one-quarter, even after adjusting for age, body mass index, smoking and other factors. They also performed significantly worse on tests of visual memory, executive function and abstract memory than those in the highest one-quarter. There was no significant association with white matter hyperintensity volume.
Curing The Winter Blahs With Food
Posted by Staff (01/27/2012 @ 4:40 pm)
Beating the Winter blues can be as simple as getting to your local fish market and stocking up on Omega-3 rich foods like salmon and nuts!
Research has begun to reveal how mindful eaters can choose their fuel to help achieve or maintain a desired mental state. The food you eat can also brighten your winter. Our moods are linked to the production or use of certain brain chemicals, and scientists have identified many of the natural chemicals in foods that change the way we feel. That’s right, you can eat certain foods in order to beat the winter blues. Food influences neurotransmitters by attaching to brain cells and changing the way they behave. This opens pathways to those cells, so that other mood-altering chemicals can come through the gates and attach themselves to brain cells.
Read more to find the kinds of foods to shake your winter moods.
Posted in: Nutrition, Research, Resources, Wellness
Tags: Curing depression with food, depression, health benefits of omega-3, omega-3 fatty acids, salmon, seasonal affective disorder, Selenium, tryptophan, Winter Blues
Protect Your Skin from the Winter Elements with Your Diet
Posted by Staff (01/03/2012 @ 9:11 pm)
Winter skin deserves a special diet.
We normally have a natural layer of oil that helps keep our skin soft and protect it from the environment, but harsh winter weather can suck the moisture right out of it. When your skin gets dry, it’s generally a sign that you’re doing something that’s stripping its natural oils. The good news is that you can keep your skin glowing all winter with a few changes to your diet.
Drink more water. The body loses more fluid with each breath when it’s cold and dry, so it’s fairly easy to get dehydrated in the winter. Try to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day.
Check out more tips and find the foods that fight off the cold.
Healthy Foods That Affect Your Mood
Posted by Staff (10/06/2011 @ 2:29 am)
Healthy foods that affect your mood are the first step toward wellness.
Why turn to prescription drugs when your mental health could be improved with a trip to the grocery store?
The effects of caffeine on a person’s mood are well-known and backed up by lots of scientific evidence. Its presence in the body helps produce serotonin which is the chemical that is associated with those who are generally happy.
For those suffering from depression, often a lack of serotoninis to blame. In fact, a recent study was released which showed that women who drink coffee daily are at a lower risk of suffering from depression than their caffeine – free peers. Of course, the use of caffeine should be moderated as it does also have well-known unpleasant effects like insomnia and anxiety, but there is no reason that a person should not be able to drink a couple of cups of coffee a day.
Carbohydrates, when ingested in small amounts throughout the day, have been shown to improve a person’s mood. The key is moderation and maintaining a balance of insulin in the bloodstream. Big swings in sugar levels have a way of causing big swings in mood.
The amino acid tryptophan, commonly associated with turkey, is believed by many people to be a kind of sedative. It is also somewhat controversial. While some nutritionists believe that the sleepiness after a thanksgiving meal would occur after any large meal with or without turkey, others continue to believe that tryptophan helps blood sugar to get to neurotransmitters, which in turn affects mood. A diet rich in tryptophan may have an effect on serotonin production in a person’s brain.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help with a person’s mood as these fatty acids aid in brain function in those areas of the brain that are concerned with mood and behavior. These fatty acids are found in fish oil and can be taken either in pill form or by increasing the amount of fish in the diet. One study of people with bipolar disorder showed considerable improvement in mood among participants taking fish oil supplements when compared those taking a placebo.
Folic acid
It is thought that a deficiency folic acid, which is found in fruits and certain leafy vegetables, is thought to have an effect on mood, possibly causing depression. Foods such as spinach and legumes are rich sources of the chemical, so a person who is depressed may want to try increasing the amount of these things in their diet.