Energy Drink Claims Scrutinized By New York Law Makers

Beverages just can’t seem to catch a break in New York lately.

Now the claims of energy drinks are being examined by New York law makers to protect the public from caffeine toxicity.

Teens are admitted to emergency rooms for caffeine toxicity in record numbers and better labeling and awareness could help

The amount of caffeine in beverages can range from about 80 milligrams to more than 500 milligrams, and the health risks of too much caffeine consumption include cardiovascular problems. Health officials are also concerned about the common practice among young consumers of mixing energy drinks and alcohol, since the stimulation from the caffeinated energy drinks can mask intoxication.

Excessive sugar, caffeine and herbal stimulants contribute to addiction and abuse of beverages.

Caffeine May Lower The Risk Of Common Skin Cancer

The caffeine in coffee as well as in tea, soda and chocolate may be responsible for lowering the risk of Basal Cell Carcinoma ( BCC ).

A twenty year study has shown an inverse relationship between coffee drinkers and those who develop BCC.

“These results really suggest that it is the caffeine in coffee that is responsible for the decreased risk of basal cell carcinoma associated with increasing coffee consumption,” Jiali Han, associate professor at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston as well as the study’s lead author, said in a press release. “This would be consistent with published mouse data, which indicate caffeine can block skin tumor formation. However, more studies in different population cohorts and additional mechanistic studies will be needed before we can say this definitively.”

Along with sunscreen, limiting sun exposure and regular check-ups, caffeine could be an enjoyable way to help prevent skin cancer.

The Snake Oil That Is Energy Drinks

When it comes to energy drinks and potions you may be wasting your money.

Sugar, caffeine, B-12 and herbal concoctions do little to truly increase your energy level.

In fact, hospital visits related to energy drinks have surged more than tenfold since 2005, reports the U.S. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. And most of those amped-up patients are men.

Regular sleep of 7-8 hours, a healthy diet and moderate exercise are the best ways to maintain an energy level which will allow you to stay awake and alert, productive and energized throughout your day.

“We don’t use our bodies the way they’re built to be used,” says Dr. Edlund. “We guzzle energy drinks and then can’t sleep at night. We sit all day and then read e-mails at 3 a.m.” It’s no wonder we walk around like zombies, and treat these drinks like liquid life support. As sales and heart rates spike, it’s a good time to question the trends and find healthier ways to power up.

Inhalable Caffeine for a Portable Pick Me Up

Caffeine buzz in a can ; harmless or handy?

The caffeine market is already a crowded place, between all the coffee, sodas, energy drinks, and novelties ranging from caffeinated gums to a chapstick called Spazzstick.

But AeroShot is unique, its creator says, because it allows you to control the dosage. “We often overdose ourselves [with caffeine],” David Edwards, inventor of the AeroShot and a professor of biomedical engineering at Harvard, tells The Salt. That’s part of what leads to the nasty spike and withdrawal cycle that leaves caffeine addicts feeling drowsy. With AeroShot, “you take it when you need it, and as much as you need.”

Healthy Foods That Affect Your Mood

Healthy foods that affect your mood are the first step toward wellness.

Why turn to prescription drugs when your mental health could be improved with a trip to the grocery store?


The effects of caffeine on a person’s mood are well-known and backed up by lots of scientific evidence. Its presence in the body helps produce serotonin which is the chemical that is associated with those who are generally happy.
For those suffering from depression, often a lack of serotoninis to blame. In fact, a recent study was released which showed that women who drink coffee daily are at a lower risk of suffering from depression than their caffeine – free peers. Of course, the use of caffeine should be moderated as it does also have well-known unpleasant effects like insomnia and anxiety, but there is no reason that a person should not be able to drink a couple of cups of coffee a day.


Carbohydrates, when ingested in small amounts throughout the day, have been shown to improve a person’s mood. The key is moderation and maintaining a balance of insulin in the bloodstream. Big swings in sugar levels have a way of causing big swings in mood.


The amino acid tryptophan, commonly associated with turkey, is believed by many people to be a kind of sedative. It is also somewhat controversial. While some nutritionists believe that the sleepiness after a thanksgiving meal would occur after any large meal with or without turkey, others continue to believe that tryptophan helps blood sugar to get to neurotransmitters, which in turn affects mood. A diet rich in tryptophan may have an effect on serotonin production in a person’s brain.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help with a person’s mood as these fatty acids aid in brain function in those areas of the brain that are concerned with mood and behavior. These fatty acids are found in fish oil and can be taken either in pill form or by increasing the amount of fish in the diet. One study of people with bipolar disorder showed considerable improvement in mood among participants taking fish oil supplements when compared those taking a placebo.

Folic acid

It is thought that a deficiency folic acid, which is found in fruits and certain leafy vegetables, is thought to have an effect on mood, possibly causing depression. Foods such as spinach and legumes are rich sources of the chemical, so a person who is depressed may want to try increasing the amount of these things in their diet.

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